CARO ELTON estou tentando baixar a versao que vc disponibiliza no link mas nao é a mesma vc mostra no video a: kodi 17,0 krypton_alfha 2 exe mas quando entro aversao que aparece nao é essa falta o complemento alfha e quando baixo mesmo assim é totalmente diferente a do seu video e nao tem as mesma funçoes motivo pelo qual nao consigo fazer as configurações. poderia me dizer onde encontra

Already found the key on my controller :) It was the Y key which opened the menu and allowed me to go to the video menu. Leaving only my second question: I noticed these settings are only possible in SPMC and not in Kodi 17.3. Semper media center (SPMC for short) is an unofficial Kodi fork for Android. The app was designed by Koying who was a former member of Kodi development team. One of SPMC’s unique feature is the voice to text search, and it has evolved into a no-brainer for the Nvidia Shield device. If Kodi is giving you issues or just won’t work on your device, then SPMC should be your go-to since it Malheureusement, le contenu p résent su r les add-ons illégaux est piraté et protégé par Hadopi en France. Si vous y accédez via Kodi, vos activités peuvent être surveillées par votre FAI qui peut fournir par la suite toutes les informations au gouvernement ou aux entreprises qui en feront la demande. Ma sélection de logiciels gratuits pour Internet et Windows. Logiciels multimédia. Microsoft Office. Utilitaires de test. Tutoriels DVDFab Media Player es una de las plataformas más recomendadas para Kodi 17, ya que es una de las más eficientes en las versiones 17.3, 17.4 y en la versión 17.6 de Kodi. SPMC. Descargar SPMC Kodi Fork. SSemper MEdia Center (SPMC) es un fork para Kodi muy popular, el cual se encuentra disponible para las últimas versiones de esta plataforma SPMC-17.4a8-spmc-d838f5c-armeabi-v7a.apk but when I use my build wizard to install my build, it downloads it fully then fails to start extracting. The same wizard used to extract flawlessly on the official spmc 16 release. level 1. 3 points · 2 years ago Règles de nommage pour les fichiers vidéo : Pour les Films: Nom du film (1993).avi exemple : Seul sur Mars (2015).mkv Si vous possédez 2 fichiers (ex : CD1 et CD2), il faudra créer un dossier Nom du film (1993) avec à l'intérieur les fichier avec Nom du film-cd1.avi et Nom du film-cd2.avi.

Je vais me tourner vers spmc si ils sorte pas très vite un correctif. Répondre. Denis. 23 mars 2017 - 20 h 07 min. Pour moi , tout a l’air de fonctionner correctement sur une freebox mini android en 1080, mais je n’ai pas essayé tout les formats de codage vidéo. Répondre. Denis. 27 mars 2017 - 21 h 38 min . Finalement retour à JARVIS en 16.1 , beaucoup plus stable.. sur la Freebox

03/08/2017 · FireTvGuru / FireMc 17.3 Start to finish install of the Best Kodi / SPMC build - Duration: 15 THE FIRST SPMC 17.3 KRYPTON FORK [FIREMC] - Duration: 14:49. Chris Caserta 8,560 views. 14:49 My audio / video needs are not too problematic and having tried SPMC recently, I've switched back to Kodi 17.3. I've been using Kodi 17 since it came out and have no issues with it on the Shield, I actually find it faster and less prone to crashing or locking up than SPMC. I know SPMC is supposed to be Shield optimised but it seems that's all 'under the hood' type stuff that if you don't Download SPMC - 17.4-RC1 for Android on Aptoide right now! No extra costs. User rating for SPMC - 17.4-RC1: 5 ★

Sep 30, 2017 made from firemc guru spmc 17.3.

Download the latest version of SPMC APK file SPMC Download SPMC by SemperPax Right here Model: 16.7-01 (916070150) Final up to date: July 30, 2017 File Télécharger FTMC pour les anciennes boîtes Android incompatible avec Kodi 17.3 Krypton. Par. 1, 2017 . 0. partager. Facebook. Twitter. Pinterest. WhatsApp. Depuis la sortie de la dernière version kodi 17, les personnes qui possèdent Ce qui est SPMC? SPMC est un Android-fourchette de Kodi, est développé et maintenu par koying, les anciens programmeurs Android pour Kodi Foundation.Il est le même squelette que Kodi, mais a été optimisé pour le système d'exploitation Android. Here is the list of Firedl Codes for all the Android TV apps like Fire Stick, Kodi, Mobdro and many other. In other words these FireDL codes as firedl URL codes. You may also use the URL but it may be difficult so it’s better to use the Shortcut codes. 7 gÉnÉralitÉs profil du matÉriau performance produit caractÉristiques de fonctionnement gamme instructions de pose appels d’offres gnralits 1.2 technologie multicouche CARO ELTON estou tentando baixar a versao que vc disponibiliza no link mas nao é a mesma vc mostra no video a: kodi 17,0 krypton_alfha 2 exe mas quando entro aversao que aparece nao é essa falta o complemento alfha e quando baixo mesmo assim é totalmente diferente a do seu video e nao tem as mesma funçoes motivo pelo qual nao consigo fazer as configurações. poderia me dizer onde encontra